Thursday, July 23, 2009

Progress? on the back porch project

Well, the back porch project is coming along, slowly but surely. I've posted the photos that we have taken so far, so simply click on the TITLE of this blah-de-blah, and you can view them at Photobucket.

Actually, Steve has made some "electrical" progress since these photos were taken. The porch light functions again, and we even have a real light fixture up, as well as an outlet so that the washer can be plugged in!

Saturday, the 25th, he'll run more electricity -- Yipee! There are still about a million things to be done before Winter comes along, so I hope that we make it. It would REALLY be nice to have it all closed in so that we can have HEAT out there this Winter! Only time will tell.

Until then, we'll keep on keepin' on.
Jeannie & Steve

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