Friday, April 15, 2011

Three is a CHARM?

Do you get all stressed out when you go looking for a particular item and can't find it? I can tell you that I do! It seems that the more organized I get, the fewer things that I look for are anywhere to be found!! By the time I located the item I was looking for this morning, I had gone through the same basket three times. I knew it had to be there, but I never dug deep enough until the third time (which is a CHARM). In less than half an hour, I'll be hitting the sidewalk with my 49 cent stroller from the Salvation Army. Therefore, I'll sign off for now, get a quickie lunch, and head out to pick up my walking associates. Today there will be four of us (not a CHARM), but we are definitely charming while on parade!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Back!

Whodathunkit???? July 23, 2010 marked my one-year anniversary of neglecting my Blah-De-Blah!! Now it is nearly another 9 months since July 23rd, 2010, and I'm back! "Where have you been?" you ask. Well, all I can tell you is that "I have NOT been to visit the Queen, but if I had, I'm pretty sure that I would have frightened the pussy cat from under her chair." "What made you say that?" you ask. "Well, all I can tell you is that "My mind does funny things when I'm blah-de-blahing, and it has been a really looooonnnnnnggggg Winter!!" I promise to try to post more often now that Spring has sprung!

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